Archive For July 22, 2013

Apple’s Spaceship Campus Clears Another Major Hurdle

Apple 2 Campus_2Apple’s futuristic new headquarters in Cupertino, CA just cleared another major hurdle. July 22nd marked the end of a 45-day public comment period on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Apple Campus 2. The next step is to incorporate the public comments and responses into the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for submission to the City of Cupertino’s Planning Commission. The FEIR and the Planning Commission’s comments will then be forwarded to the City Council. While no further comments to the DEIR will be accepted, the public will still have a chance to make comments at upcoming meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council. The DEIR attracted 348 public comments. As noted on our parent website ( the original bids were $2B over the $3B budget envisioned by Apple. Assuming the project scope is reduced to stay within budget the Apple Campus 2 will still be one of the largest private projects in state history.

We are now an Oracle Gold Partner

Oracle Gold PartnerWe are pleased to announce that Primavera Scheduling’s parent company, Construction Science, is now an Oracle Gold Partner. To celebrate our upgraded partnership with Oracle we are now offering Primavera P6 software for $300 off the list price and 10% off all live online and in-person classroom Primavera P6 training programs with the purchase of software. But wait, there’s more! We are also offering volume discounts for the purchase of more than three Primavera P6 licenses. Please contact Bill Pepoon for details on these additional discounts.